Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

"Kepok Tanjung" A High Yielding Banana Bacterial Wilt Resistant

Banana varieties "Kepok Tanjung" released in 2007. The name "Kepok Tanjung" or "Kepok Tanpa Jantung" means without a heart. One advantage of this banana is not having a heart. Thus, it is not necessary anymore to throw the heart in an effort to prevent the transmission of bacterial wilt disease that is naturally spread by insects. In addition, unlike other kepok bananas that taste sour, these varieties have even sweeter. The content of total soluble solids (TSS) is equal to 2930% Brix. Here, one of the evidence, that Indonesia is a mega diversity country for tropical fruits. "Kepok Tanjung" varieties derived from Seram Island, precisely in the Village Makariki, Subdistrict Amahai, District Central Maluku.
Description of banana varietiesKepok Tanjung” are as follows: weight of fruit per bunch ranged from 15 to 25 kg, the number of combs per bunch reaches 17. Each comb has a number of fruits from 13 to 18, bringing the total number of fruits per bunch from 150 to 250. The fruit has a length from 10 to 17 cm, and 3 to 5 cm in diameter. Fruits weights ranged from 125 to 170 g, and the yield potential of 20-30 t/ha/year. Ripe fruit has a yellow color, and the flesh of the fruit is yellow-orange. Fruit flesh has a chewy texture and sweet taste. The fruit has a shelf life at room temperature from 15 to 21 days.

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