One cause of low productivity of citrus in Indonesia is an attack CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration). Diseases caused by Liberobacter asiaticum can be transmitted by seeds that have been infected CPVD, or through insect vectors, ie leafhopper (Diaphorina citri). This disease should be wary of any attempts at rehabilitation or citrus agribusiness development.
CVPD disease control strategies through the Integrated Management of Healthy Citrus Gardens (IMHCG), includes five technology components, namely: (1) using a labeled disease-free citrus seedlings, (2) controlling insects vectors (D. citri) transmitters CVPD carefully, (3) conduct field sanitation carefully, (4) maintaining optimal plant, (5) consolidation of farm management in a development target area. IMHCG be effectively applied to new development areas or areas to be rehabilitated that has been free of citrus trees infected CVPD at least 5 km radius.