Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

The Fruit Peel of Pineapple as Alternative Feed

Processing of pineapples into pineapple juice produce waste products such as fruit peel and flesh squeezed fruit fiber. The waste volume reached 85% of the weight of fresh fruit. Its use as a ruminant feed will provide added value as well as to the development of commercial livestock production business in favor of a national meat production. Fruit peel and flesh squeezed pineapple fiber is a potential energy source for ruminants. The content of fiber were relatively high allowing the material used to replace grass as feed basis.

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Integrated Management of Healthy Citrus Gardens

One cause of low productivity of citrus in Indonesia is an attack CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration). Diseases caused by Liberobacter asiaticum can be transmitted by seeds that have been infected CPVD, or through insect vectors, ie leafhopper (Diaphorina citri). This disease should be wary of any attempts at rehabilitation or citrus agribusiness development.

CVPD disease control strategies through the Integrated Management of Healthy Citrus Gardens (IMHCG), includes five technology components, namely: (1) using a labeled disease-free citrus seedlings, (2) controlling insects vectors (D. citri) transmitters CVPD carefully, (3) conduct field sanitation carefully, (4) maintaining optimal plant, (5) consolidation of farm management in a development target area. IMHCG be effectively applied to new development areas or areas to be rehabilitated that has been free of citrus trees infected CVPD at least 5 km radius.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Sorghum Cultivation Ratoon System

Sorghum is one of the Cereal crops that can adapt to a broad and prospective development on marginal land, especially on dry land. The average productivity of sorghum stems ranged between 30-50 tonnes / ha and leaves 20-40 tonnes / ha. Potential biomass sorghum can also be improved further by optimizing the potential of sorghum ratoon. The specialty of the sorghum crop is the ability to grow back after being cut or harvested called ratun. Ratoon sorghum can be done 2-3 times, so it can meet the needs of sorghum biomass raw materials or sustainable seed. Planting ratoon not involve the planting of seeds for regeneration using stem, and is a useful tool to start cultivation in drought conditions. Cultivation of sorghum with ratoon system has been applied by farmers in dry areas. Not only in Indonesia but also in India, Africa, and even the United States.

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Rice Varieties that Emit Low Methane

The issue of global warming of the planet caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, one of which is methane (CH4). The amount of methane gas emissions in the atmosphere that comes from paddy fields affected by various factors, among others: varieties, nutrient management, and water management or water regime.

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Master Ducks (Commercial Seed Laying Superior)

The potential of ducks in Indonesia is quite large, as evidenced by the presence of local ducks are highly variable due to the influence of both genetic abilities or due to environmental influences. To increase the productivity of local ducks, as well as to produce seeds ducks that have the ability to adapt to the environment, it has done a series of studies in IRIAP. Research directed towards the evaluation of the ability of the production of various types of local ducks, and eventually obtained a MA hybrid ducks (Mojosari x Alabio) called master duck. The ducks are expected to adapt to the environment, and potentially serve as a commercial seed producer of eggs with caged systems.

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

"Kepok Tanjung" A High Yielding Banana Bacterial Wilt Resistant

Banana varieties "Kepok Tanjung" released in 2007. The name "Kepok Tanjung" or "Kepok Tanpa Jantung" means without a heart. One advantage of this banana is not having a heart. Thus, it is not necessary anymore to throw the heart in an effort to prevent the transmission of bacterial wilt disease that is naturally spread by insects. In addition, unlike other kepok bananas that taste sour, these varieties have even sweeter. The content of total soluble solids (TSS) is equal to 2930% Brix. Here, one of the evidence, that Indonesia is a mega diversity country for tropical fruits. "Kepok Tanjung" varieties derived from Seram Island, precisely in the Village Makariki, Subdistrict Amahai, District Central Maluku.

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

How to Effectively Suppress Leaf Spot of Ginger

(by. Dr. Dyah Manohara)

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is still a problem in ginger cultivation in Indonesia. But lately, leaf spot symptoms have been reported to be an important issue in some ginger production centers in West Java, Central Java and Bengkulu. There are four types of fungi are widely reported to cause damage to the leaves of the ginger plant in Indonesia, namely Phyllosticta, Pyricularia, Cercospora and Phakopsora.

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

"Dering 1" New Variety Drought Tolerant Soybean

The main ecosystem soybean production in Indonesia is a wetland. The biggest opportunity soybean planting in paddy fields is the dry season. In such conditions, soybean cultivation often face the risk of crop failure due to drought. Dering 1 soybean variety was assembled to resolve the issue.
Dering 1 variety derived from a single cross between Davros (high yielding variety) and MLG 2984 (drought tolerant genotype). Selection method used is pedigree selection. Selection of drought tolerance has been done on the generation F4 - F5 to advanced yield trials. Through this selection is obtained promising line with number DV/2984-330.